Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where Have We Been?

We fell off a cliff... okay, no we didn't really, we have just been really busy. Tim keeps pretty busy with the criminals of Sevier County, and I have been busy with homeschool stuff for Gabby. Yes, to all our friends who we have not gotten around to mentioning it to yet, we are in fact homeschooling.We know that some of you will not approve (don't worry not all of our family approves either), but we know you all understand that when the Lord directs your path a certain way, you just follow faithfully. We are very excited to start this new journey and have been trying to gain all the information we can. Luckily our current ward is refered to often as the homeschooling ward (about 1/3 of all the kids are homeschooled), so we have lots of helpful parents around to glean knowledge from.

1 comment:

  1. Cute picture! Did you make Gabby's cute scarf? I think it is wonderful you are homeschooling. I think homeschooling is a lot different today than it was when we were growing up. Scott and I have definitely considered homeschooling our kids at some point. Good luck!! Glad you have so much support from people in your ward.
